Casey McCarty with Columbus: Past, Present, and Future. This month this title has broken into the top 100 of both the anthology and short story categories at Amazon.com. |
It's 1898 and a patient at the Central Ohio
Lunatic Asylum knows the truth about an infamous London crime. Will a young psychiatrist and his journalist
friend expose the plot or become another loose end secured by the Fixer, a
mercenary who has kept the dirty secrets of corrupt politicians for a decade?
You can find out in the short story version
of my richly-researched historical fiction tale in the new anthology Columbus:
Past, Present & Future. This
version only showcases the central plot, however, and readers can expect the
full-length novel next year!
A perfect toast to Columbus’ bicentennial,
the anthology offers fiction set in or around Columbus from 200 years in our
past to 200 years in our future. Part of
our proceeds support the Columbus Historical Society in preserving our rich
local heritage. For my piece I scoured
the local history sections of our metro libraries to provide accurate settings,
down to the local pub my main characters frequent. I continue to be amazed at just how much local
history I knew nothing about.
The cemetery of the Central Ohio Lunatic
Asylum, around which my story is set, is
open to the public today, as well as the nearby Training Institute of Central
Ohio cemetery with its chilling “specimens” grave markers as well as hundreds
simply engraved with patient numbers.
The Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum burned completely to the ground in its
original incarnation, killing dozens.
Plagued with stories of primitive psychiatric treatments and deadly
disease outbreaks, the rebuilt version was one of the largest in the
region. You don’t have to dig too deeply
to find something interesting in our local history!
Columbus: Past, Present & Future features 23 Ohio authors and original
illustrative art and photography, with a forward written by Mayor Coleman. It’s locally published and available at local
boutiques, coffee shops, online, and as an eBook on Amazon. This is a great way to support local writers
and authors and celebrate in our bicentennial!
For more information about the publishing
group, Columbus Creative Cooperative or to order, please visit HERE.